A Journey from the Earth to the Sky, through you and back to You
A Journey from the Earth to the Sky, through you and back to You
is reconnecting ourselves and our lives to a more harmonious balance with ourselves, with all living beings at all levels of our being: physical, emotional, mental, sexual, spiritual. It is co-creating our lives in accordance to our original soul blueprint and purpose on all levels. It is an always evolving and wondrous journey.
is not a belief system but a direct experience of spiritual knowledge where information and healing can be received. Thousands of years old practices from diverse traditions, but ultimately unique for each individual as diverse as the different traditions and helping compassionate spirits.
is the potential power of co-creation, of restoring the in several layers of the body to help the body’s own natural ability to heal, to accomplish our functions, of supporting our communities. In energy healing methods, the focus is often on solving emotional or spiritual problems which impact at the root of peoples’ lives and health.
Skywoman Healing is full member of the Dachverbandes Geistiges Heilen e. V., the german umbrella association for spiritual healers.
Please note: Shamanic, Energy & Spiritual Healing do not provide a substitute for diagnoses or treatments of naturopaths, doctors or psychotherapists.
Rechtlicher Hinweis: Geistiges Heilen ist keinesfalls einen Ersatz für Arztbesuch, ärztliche oder psychotherapeutische oder sonst heilkundliche Behandlung und diagnostische Tätigkeit ersetzt.